pdstools.infinity.internal._resource ==================================== .. py:module:: pdstools.infinity.internal._resource Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: pdstools.infinity.internal._resource.SyncAPIResource pdstools.infinity.internal._resource.AsyncAPIResource Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: SyncAPIResource(client: pdstools.infinity.client.SyncAPIClient) Bases: :py:obj:`abc.ABC` Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance. .. py:attribute:: _client :type: pdstools.infinity.client.SyncAPIClient .. py:attribute:: _get .. py:attribute:: _post .. py:attribute:: _patch .. py:attribute:: _put .. py:attribute:: _delete .. py:attribute:: _get_api_list .. py:method:: _sleep(seconds: float) -> None .. py:property:: _public_fields .. py:property:: _public_dict .. py:method:: __repr__(fields: Union[List[str], None] = None) .. py:class:: AsyncAPIResource(client: pdstools.infinity.client.AsyncAPIClient) Bases: :py:obj:`abc.ABC` Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance. .. py:attribute:: _client :type: pdstools.infinity.client.AsyncAPIClient .. py:attribute:: _get .. py:attribute:: _post .. py:attribute:: _patch .. py:attribute:: _put .. py:attribute:: _delete .. py:attribute:: _get_api_list .. py:method:: _sleep(seconds: float) -> None :async: .. py:property:: _public_fields .. py:property:: _public_dict .. py:method:: __repr__(fields: Union[List[str], None] = None)