pdstools.utils.datasets ======================= .. py:module:: pdstools.utils.datasets Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: pdstools.utils.datasets.cdh_sample pdstools.utils.datasets.sample_trees pdstools.utils.datasets.sample_value_finder Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: cdh_sample(query: Optional[pdstools.utils.types.QUERY] = None) -> pdstools.adm.ADMDatamart.ADMDatamart Import a sample dataset from the CDH Sample application :param query: An optional query to apply to the data, by default None :type query: Optional[QUERY], optional :returns: The ADM Datamart class populated with CDH Sample data :rtype: ADMDatamart .. py:function:: sample_trees() .. py:function:: sample_value_finder(threshold: Optional[float] = None) -> pdstools.valuefinder.ValueFinder.ValueFinder Import a sample dataset of a Value Finder simulation This simulation was ran on a stock CDH Sample system. :param threshold: Optional override of the propensity threshold in the system, by default None :type threshold: Optional[float], optional :returns: The Value Finder class populated with the Value Finder simulation data :rtype: ValueFinder