pdstools.valuefinder.Aggregates =============================== .. py:module:: pdstools.valuefinder.Aggregates Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: pdstools.valuefinder.Aggregates.Aggregates Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: Aggregates(vf: pdstools.valuefinder.ValueFinder.ValueFinder) .. py:attribute:: vf .. py:attribute:: _quantile_from_threshold :type: Dict[float, float] .. py:method:: get_customer_summary(*, threshold: Optional[float] = None) -> polars.LazyFrame Computes the summary of propensities for all customers :param th: The threshold to consider an action 'good'. If a customer has actions with propensity above this, the customer has at least one relevant action. If not given, will default to 5th quantile. :type th: Optional[float] .. py:method:: get_counts_per_stage(*, threshold: Optional[float] = None) .. py:property:: max_propensity_per_customer :type: polars.DataFrame .. py:method:: get_threshold_from_quantile(quantile: float) -> float .. py:method:: get_counts_for_threshold(threshold: float) -> polars.DataFrame