Ad-Hoc Data Analysis using Dataset Exports

When testing and debugging DSM projects involving data flows, it often is very handy to inspect datasets. There are a couple of out-of-the-box datasets, like pxInteractionHistory that represents the data stored in IH, or pxDecisionResults that contains the model data and the results of strategies. You can also have custom datasets created perhaps as the results of running dataflows or when generating data with MonteCarlo datasets.

Any of the datasets that supports the browse operation (basically, any that can be read from), can also be exported. The export format used is multi-line JSON, i.e. every record from the dataset is exported as a single line containing the JSON data.

Once you have exported a dataset from Pega, you can easily import it and explore it.

In this example we take a look at a sample of pxInteractionHistory but this really works for any dataset.

In Pega, export the dataset and download it to your local filesystem.


# include below when developing the library
# sapply(list.files("~/Documents/pega/cdh-datascientist-tools/r/R", "*.R", full.names = T), source)

ihdata <- readDSExport("Data-pxStrategyResult_pxInteractionHistory", "~/Downloads") 

The pdstools package ships with a small sample of IH data

data(ihsampledata, package="pdstools")
knitr::kable(head(ihsampledata, 5))
pySubjectType pxInteractionID ControlGroupValidityStart pyStage pyJourney CustomerID ChannelSubGroup pyChannel pyCustomerSubSegment pyStep pySubjectID pyTreatment pyDirection pyGroup pyPropensity BundleName pyOutcome pyReason pyApplicationVersion pyComponent DeviceType MktType pyOperator pxRank pyPartitionKey pyIssue BundleHead ModelControlGroup pyDivision pxFactID pxOutcomeTime MktValue pyBehaviour WorkID URI pyApplication pyCustomerSegment pyInteraction pyName UserAgent pyOrganization pyUnit pyResponse pyCategory ControlGroupValidityEnd pxDecisionTime pyLabel ChannelGroup pyStrategy
CDHSample-Data-Customer -3586780626931683381 Customer-4118 SMS Customer-4118 Credit_ExternalSMSTreatment Outbound CreditCards 0.05 ARM31MCWB NoResponse 01.01.01 Rank results CDHSampleAdmin 8 27 Sales FALSE Test CDHOrgDiv -3586780626931682154 20201013T171442.255 GMT CDHSample InitializeModelsSmall MasterCardWorld CDHOrg CDHOrgUnit 20201012T121949.092 GMT MasterCard World InitializeModelsSmall
CDHSample-Data-Customer -3586780626931683381 Customer-4118 SMS Customer-4118 Outbound CreditCards 0.05 Rejected 01.01.01 Rank results CDHSampleAdmin 12 27 Sales FALSE Test CDHOrgDiv -3586780626931682150 20201013T171442.255 GMT CDHSample InitializeModelsSmall UPlusFinPersonal CDHOrg CDHOrgUnit 20201012T121949.092 GMT U+ Financial Personal InitializeModelsSmall
CDHSample-Data-Customer -3586780626931683381 Customer-4118 SMS Customer-4118 Outbound CreditCards 0.05 Rejected 01.01.01 Rank results CDHSampleAdmin 13 27 Sales FALSE Test CDHOrgDiv -3586780626931682149 20201013T171442.255 GMT CDHSample InitializeModelsSmall UPlusFinGold CDHOrg CDHOrgUnit 20201012T121949.092 GMT U+ Financial Gold InitializeModelsSmall
CDHSample-Data-Customer -3586780626931683381 Customer-4118 Customer-4118 0.05 Churned 01.01.01 Rank results CDHSampleAdmin 14 27 FALSE CDHOrgDiv -3586780626931682148 20201013T171442.255 GMT CDHSample InitializeModelsSmall CDHOrg CDHOrgUnit 20201012T121949.092 GMT InitializeModelsSmall
CDHSample-Data-Customer -3586780626931683342 Customer-4239 SMS Customer-4239 Credit_ExternalSMSTreatment Outbound CreditCards 0.00 NoResponse 01.01.01 Rank results CDHSampleAdmin 1 228 Sales FALSE Test CDHOrgDiv -3586780626931682147 20201013T171442.255 GMT CDHSample InitializeModelsSmall UPlusPersonal CDHOrg CDHOrgUnit 20201012T143558.997 GMT U+ Personal Card InitializeModelsSmall

Some of the columns in your dataset may represent date or date-time values. Pega will export these as strings in the standard Pega format. For analysis it will be convenient to convert them to proper date/time objects so we can easily report and plot.

for (f in c("pxOutcomeTime", "pxDecisionTime")) {
  ihsampledata[[f]] <- pdstools::fromPRPCDateTime(ihsampledata[[f]])
summary(ihsampledata[,grepl("Time",names(ihsampledata)), with=F])
#>  pxOutcomeTime                    pxDecisionTime                  
#>  Min.   :2020-10-13 17:14:42.25   Min.   :2020-10-12 12:19:49.08  
#>  1st Qu.:2020-10-17 19:10:18.05   1st Qu.:2020-10-15 22:14:24.24  
#>  Median :2020-10-19 23:07:45.09   Median :2020-10-19 18:05:37.41  
#>  Mean   :2020-10-20 08:20:46.19   Mean   :2020-10-19 12:20:47.76  
#>  3rd Qu.:2020-10-23 05:01:59.50   3rd Qu.:2020-10-22 23:15:22.44  
#>  Max.   :2020-10-26 12:19:49.08   Max.   :2020-10-26 11:41:57.95

With the data in place, you can now do the analyses you want. For the IH data we can for example plot accept rate over time.

BTW, if you’re not familiar with the data.table syntax below, it would be a good idea to look into this. The internals of pdstools heavily rely on it also.

ihsampledata[, period := lubridate::as_date(pxOutcomeTime)]
ihsampledata[, successRate := sum(pyOutcome=="Accepted")/.N, by=c("period","pyChannel")]
ggplot(ihsampledata, aes(period, successRate, color=pyChannel)) + 
  geom_line(size=1) +
  # geom_col(position=position_dodge()) +
  scale_color_discrete_qualitative(name="Channel", guide = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE)) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, NA), name = "Success Rate", labels = scales::percent) +
  labs(title = "Success Rate over Time", x="Date")+
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1))

But you can of course also use a different plot style, for example from the tidyverse universe:

ggplot(group_by(ihsampledata, pyName, pyChannel, pyIssue) %>% 
         rename(`Channel`=pyChannel) %>% 
         summarise(count = n()) %>% 
         mutate(pct = count/nrow(ihsampledata)), 
       aes(pyName, pct, fill=`Channel`)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + 
  coord_flip()+ scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent)+
  labs(title = "Proposition Distribution", x="Proposition", y="Percentage of Total Offered")