





An alias to httpx.AsyncClient that provides the same defaults that this SDK



Abstract base class for generic types.


Abstract base class for generic types.


An asynchronous HTTP client, with connection pooling, HTTP/2, redirects,


An asynchronous HTTP client, with connection pooling, HTTP/2, redirects,


Abstract base class for generic types.


execute_and_collect(task_coro, results, i)

get_results(→ List[Any])

Module Contents

async execute_and_collect(task_coro: Coroutine, results: List, i: int)
  • task_coro (Coroutine)

  • results (List)

  • i (int)

async get_results(tasks: List[Coroutine]) List[Any]

tasks (List[Coroutine])

Return type:


class BaseClient(*, base_url: str | httpx.URL, auth: httpx.Auth | pdstools.infinity.internal._auth.PegaOAuth, application_name: str | None = None, verify: bool = False, pega_version: str | None = None, timeout: float = 90)

Bases: Generic[_HttpxClientT]

Abstract base class for generic types.

A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:

class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]):
    def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:
    # Etc.

This class can then be used as follows:

def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT:
        return mapping[key]
    except KeyError:
        return default
_client: _HttpxClientT
application_name = None
verify = False
pega_version = None
timeout = 90
_enforce_trailing_slash(url: httpx.URL) httpx.URL

url (httpx.URL)

Return type:


_build_request(method, endpoint: str, data: httpx._types.RequestData | None = None, **params) httpx.Request
  • endpoint (str)

  • data (Union[httpx._types.RequestData, None])

Return type:


classmethod from_client_id_and_secret(base_url: str, client_id: str, client_secret: str, application_name: str | None = None, verify: bool = False, pega_version: str | None = None, timeout: float = 90)
  • base_url (str)

  • client_id (str)

  • client_secret (str)

  • application_name (Optional[str])

  • verify (bool)

  • pega_version (Optional[str])

  • timeout (float)

classmethod from_client_credentials(file_path: str, verify: bool = False, application_name: str | None = None, pega_version: str | None = None, timeout: float = 90)
  • file_path (str)

  • verify (bool)

  • application_name (Optional[str])

  • pega_version (Union[str, None])

  • timeout (float)

classmethod from_basic_auth(base_url: str | None = None, user_name: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, *, verify: bool = True, application_name: str | None = None, pega_version: str | None = None, timeout: int = 90)
  • base_url (Optional[str])

  • user_name (Optional[str])

  • password (Optional[str])

  • verify (bool)

  • application_name (Optional[str])

  • pega_version (Union[str, None])

  • timeout (int)

class SyncAPIClient(base_url: str | httpx.URL, auth: httpx.Auth | pdstools.infinity.internal._auth.PegaOAuth, application_name: str | None = None, verify: bool = False, pega_version: str | None = None, timeout: float = 90)

Bases: BaseClient[httpx.Client]

Abstract base class for generic types.

A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:

class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]):
    def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:
    # Etc.

This class can then be used as follows:

def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT:
        return mapping[key]
    except KeyError:
        return default
_client: httpx.Client
application_name = None
_infer_version(on_error: Literal['error', 'warn', 'ignore'] = 'error')

on_error (Literal['error', 'warn', 'ignore'])

_request(*, method, endpoint, data: httpx._types.RequestData | None = None, **params) httpx.Response

data (Union[httpx._types.RequestData, None])

Return type:


handle_pega_exception(endpoint, params, response)
request(method, endpoint, **params)
get(endpoint: str, **params)

endpoint (str)

post(endpoint: str, data: httpx._types.RequestData | None = None, **params)
  • endpoint (str)

  • data (Union[httpx._types.RequestData, None])

patch(endpoint, data: httpx._types.RequestData | None = None, **params)

data (Union[httpx._types.RequestData, None])

put(endpoint, data: httpx._types.RequestData | None = None, **params)

data (Union[httpx._types.RequestData, None])

abstract delete()
abstract get_api_list()
class _DefaultAsyncHttpxClient(**kwargs: Any)

Bases: httpx.AsyncClient

An asynchronous HTTP client, with connection pooling, HTTP/2, redirects, cookie persistence, etc.

It can be shared between tasks.


`python >>> async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: >>>     response = await client.get('https://example.org') `


  • auth - (optional) An authentication class to use when sending

requests. * params - (optional) Query parameters to include in request URLs, as a string, dictionary, or sequence of two-tuples. * headers - (optional) Dictionary of HTTP headers to include when sending requests. * cookies - (optional) Dictionary of Cookie items to include when sending requests. * verify - (optional) Either True to use an SSL context with the default CA bundle, False to disable verification, or an instance of ssl.SSLContext to use a custom context. * http2 - (optional) A boolean indicating if HTTP/2 support should be enabled. Defaults to False. * proxy - (optional) A proxy URL where all the traffic should be routed. * timeout - (optional) The timeout configuration to use when sending requests. * limits - (optional) The limits configuration to use. * max_redirects - (optional) The maximum number of redirect responses that should be followed. * base_url - (optional) A URL to use as the base when building request URLs. * transport - (optional) A transport class to use for sending requests over the network. * trust_env - (optional) Enables or disables usage of environment variables for configuration. * default_encoding - (optional) The default encoding to use for decoding response text, if no charset information is included in a response Content-Type header. Set to a callable for automatic character set detection. Default: “utf-8”.


kwargs (Any)


An alias to httpx.AsyncClient that provides the same defaults that this SDK uses internally.

This is useful because overriding the http_client with your own instance of httpx.AsyncClient will result in httpx’s defaults being used, not ours.

class AsyncHttpxClientWrapper(*, auth: httpx._types.AuthTypes | None = None, params: httpx._types.QueryParamTypes | None = None, headers: httpx._types.HeaderTypes | None = None, cookies: httpx._types.CookieTypes | None = None, verify: ssl.SSLContext | str | bool = True, cert: httpx._types.CertTypes | None = None, http1: bool = True, http2: bool = False, proxy: httpx._types.ProxyTypes | None = None, mounts: None | Mapping[str, httpx._transports.base.AsyncBaseTransport | None] = None, timeout: httpx._types.TimeoutTypes = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CONFIG, follow_redirects: bool = False, limits: httpx._config.Limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS, max_redirects: int = DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS, event_hooks: None | Mapping[str, list[EventHook]] = None, base_url: httpx._urls.URL | str = '', transport: httpx._transports.base.AsyncBaseTransport | None = None, trust_env: bool = True, default_encoding: str | Callable[[bytes], str] = 'utf-8')

Bases: DefaultAsyncHttpxClient

An asynchronous HTTP client, with connection pooling, HTTP/2, redirects, cookie persistence, etc.

It can be shared between tasks.


`python >>> async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: >>>     response = await client.get('https://example.org') `


  • auth - (optional) An authentication class to use when sending

requests. * params - (optional) Query parameters to include in request URLs, as a string, dictionary, or sequence of two-tuples. * headers - (optional) Dictionary of HTTP headers to include when sending requests. * cookies - (optional) Dictionary of Cookie items to include when sending requests. * verify - (optional) Either True to use an SSL context with the default CA bundle, False to disable verification, or an instance of ssl.SSLContext to use a custom context. * http2 - (optional) A boolean indicating if HTTP/2 support should be enabled. Defaults to False. * proxy - (optional) A proxy URL where all the traffic should be routed. * timeout - (optional) The timeout configuration to use when sending requests. * limits - (optional) The limits configuration to use. * max_redirects - (optional) The maximum number of redirect responses that should be followed. * base_url - (optional) A URL to use as the base when building request URLs. * transport - (optional) A transport class to use for sending requests over the network. * trust_env - (optional) Enables or disables usage of environment variables for configuration. * default_encoding - (optional) The default encoding to use for decoding response text, if no charset information is included in a response Content-Type header. Set to a callable for automatic character set detection. Default: “utf-8”.

  • auth (httpx._types.AuthTypes | None)

  • params (httpx._types.QueryParamTypes | None)

  • headers (httpx._types.HeaderTypes | None)

  • cookies (httpx._types.CookieTypes | None)

  • verify (ssl.SSLContext | str | bool)

  • cert (httpx._types.CertTypes | None)

  • http1 (bool)

  • http2 (bool)

  • proxy (httpx._types.ProxyTypes | None)

  • mounts (None | Mapping[str, httpx._transports.base.AsyncBaseTransport | None])

  • timeout (httpx._types.TimeoutTypes)

  • follow_redirects (bool)

  • limits (httpx._config.Limits)

  • max_redirects (int)

  • event_hooks (None | Mapping[str, list[EventHook]])

  • base_url (httpx._urls.URL | str)

  • transport (httpx._transports.base.AsyncBaseTransport | None)

  • trust_env (bool)

  • default_encoding (str | Callable[[bytes], str])

__del__() None
Return type:


class AsyncAPIClient(base_url: str | httpx.URL, auth: httpx.Auth | pdstools.infinity.internal._auth.PegaOAuth, verify: bool = False, pega_version: str | None = None)

Bases: BaseClient[httpx.AsyncClient]

Abstract base class for generic types.

A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:

class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]):
    def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:
    # Etc.

This class can then be used as follows:

def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT:
        return mapping[key]
    except KeyError:
        return default
_client: httpx.AsyncClient
_collect_awaitable_blocking(coros: List[Coroutine] | Coroutine) Any

coros (Union[List[Coroutine], Coroutine])

Return type:


async _request(*, method, endpoint, **params) httpx.Response
Return type:


async request(method, endpoint, **params)
async get(endpoint: str, **params)

endpoint (str)

abstract post()
abstract patch()
abstract put()
abstract delete()
abstract get_api_list()