An alias to httpx.AsyncClient that provides the same defaults that this SDK |
Abstract base class for generic types. |
Abstract base class for generic types. |
An asynchronous HTTP client, with connection pooling, HTTP/2, redirects, |
An asynchronous HTTP client, with connection pooling, HTTP/2, redirects, |
Abstract base class for generic types. |
Module Contents¶
- _HttpxClientT¶
- logger¶
- ResponseT¶
- async execute_and_collect(task_coro: Coroutine, results: List, i: int)¶
- Parameters:
task_coro (Coroutine)
results (List)
i (int)
- async get_results(tasks: List[Coroutine]) List[Any] ¶
- Parameters:
tasks (List[Coroutine])
- Return type:
- class BaseClient(*, base_url: str | httpx.URL, auth: httpx.Auth | pdstools.infinity.internal._auth.PegaOAuth, application_name: str | None = None, verify: bool = False, pega_version: str | None = None, timeout: float = 90)¶
]Abstract base class for generic types.
A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:
class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc.
This class can then be used as follows:
def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default
- Parameters:
- _client: _HttpxClientT¶
- _base_url¶
- auth¶
- application_name = None¶
- verify = False¶
- pega_version = None¶
- timeout = 90¶
- _enforce_trailing_slash(url: httpx.URL) httpx.URL ¶
- Parameters:
url (httpx.URL)
- Return type:
- _build_request(method, endpoint: str, data: httpx._types.RequestData | None = None, **params) httpx.Request ¶
- Parameters:
endpoint (str)
data (Union[httpx._types.RequestData, None])
- Return type:
- _get_version(repo)¶
- classmethod from_client_id_and_secret(base_url: str, client_id: str, client_secret: str, application_name: str | None = None, verify: bool = False, pega_version: str | None = None, timeout: float = 90)¶
- classmethod from_client_credentials(file_path: str, verify: bool = False, application_name: str | None = None, pega_version: str | None = None, timeout: float = 90)¶
- class SyncAPIClient(base_url: str | httpx.URL, auth: httpx.Auth | pdstools.infinity.internal._auth.PegaOAuth, application_name: str | None = None, verify: bool = False, pega_version: str | None = None, timeout: float = 90)¶
]Abstract base class for generic types.
A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:
class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc.
This class can then be used as follows:
def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default
- Parameters:
- _client: httpx.Client¶
- application_name = None¶
- _infer_version(on_error: Literal['error', 'warn', 'ignore'] = 'error')¶
- Parameters:
on_error (Literal['error', 'warn', 'ignore'])
- _request(*, method, endpoint, data: httpx._types.RequestData | None = None, **params) httpx.Response ¶
- Parameters:
data (Union[httpx._types.RequestData, None])
- Return type:
- handle_pega_exception(endpoint, params, response)¶
- request(method, endpoint, **params)¶
- post(endpoint: str, data: httpx._types.RequestData | None = None, **params)¶
- Parameters:
endpoint (str)
data (Union[httpx._types.RequestData, None])
- patch(endpoint, data: httpx._types.RequestData | None = None, **params)¶
- Parameters:
data (Union[httpx._types.RequestData, None])
- put(endpoint, data: httpx._types.RequestData | None = None, **params)¶
- Parameters:
data (Union[httpx._types.RequestData, None])
- abstract delete()¶
- abstract get_api_list()¶
- class _DefaultAsyncHttpxClient(**kwargs: Any)¶
An asynchronous HTTP client, with connection pooling, HTTP/2, redirects, cookie persistence, etc.
It can be shared between tasks.
`python >>> async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: >>> response = await client.get('https://example.org') `
auth - (optional) An authentication class to use when sending
requests. * params - (optional) Query parameters to include in request URLs, as a string, dictionary, or sequence of two-tuples. * headers - (optional) Dictionary of HTTP headers to include when sending requests. * cookies - (optional) Dictionary of Cookie items to include when sending requests. * verify - (optional) Either True to use an SSL context with the default CA bundle, False to disable verification, or an instance of ssl.SSLContext to use a custom context. * http2 - (optional) A boolean indicating if HTTP/2 support should be enabled. Defaults to False. * proxy - (optional) A proxy URL where all the traffic should be routed. * timeout - (optional) The timeout configuration to use when sending requests. * limits - (optional) The limits configuration to use. * max_redirects - (optional) The maximum number of redirect responses that should be followed. * base_url - (optional) A URL to use as the base when building request URLs. * transport - (optional) A transport class to use for sending requests over the network. * trust_env - (optional) Enables or disables usage of environment variables for configuration. * default_encoding - (optional) The default encoding to use for decoding response text, if no charset information is included in a response Content-Type header. Set to a callable for automatic character set detection. Default: “utf-8”.
- Parameters:
kwargs (Any)
- DefaultAsyncHttpxClient¶
An alias to httpx.AsyncClient that provides the same defaults that this SDK uses internally.
This is useful because overriding the http_client with your own instance of httpx.AsyncClient will result in httpx’s defaults being used, not ours.
- class AsyncHttpxClientWrapper(*, auth: httpx._types.AuthTypes | None = None, params: httpx._types.QueryParamTypes | None = None, headers: httpx._types.HeaderTypes | None = None, cookies: httpx._types.CookieTypes | None = None, verify: ssl.SSLContext | str | bool = True, cert: httpx._types.CertTypes | None = None, http1: bool = True, http2: bool = False, proxy: httpx._types.ProxyTypes | None = None, mounts: None | Mapping[str, httpx._transports.base.AsyncBaseTransport | None] = None, timeout: httpx._types.TimeoutTypes = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CONFIG, follow_redirects: bool = False, limits: httpx._config.Limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS, max_redirects: int = DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS, event_hooks: None | Mapping[str, list[EventHook]] = None, base_url: httpx._urls.URL | str = '', transport: httpx._transports.base.AsyncBaseTransport | None = None, trust_env: bool = True, default_encoding: str | Callable[[bytes], str] = 'utf-8')¶
An asynchronous HTTP client, with connection pooling, HTTP/2, redirects, cookie persistence, etc.
It can be shared between tasks.
`python >>> async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: >>> response = await client.get('https://example.org') `
auth - (optional) An authentication class to use when sending
requests. * params - (optional) Query parameters to include in request URLs, as a string, dictionary, or sequence of two-tuples. * headers - (optional) Dictionary of HTTP headers to include when sending requests. * cookies - (optional) Dictionary of Cookie items to include when sending requests. * verify - (optional) Either True to use an SSL context with the default CA bundle, False to disable verification, or an instance of ssl.SSLContext to use a custom context. * http2 - (optional) A boolean indicating if HTTP/2 support should be enabled. Defaults to False. * proxy - (optional) A proxy URL where all the traffic should be routed. * timeout - (optional) The timeout configuration to use when sending requests. * limits - (optional) The limits configuration to use. * max_redirects - (optional) The maximum number of redirect responses that should be followed. * base_url - (optional) A URL to use as the base when building request URLs. * transport - (optional) A transport class to use for sending requests over the network. * trust_env - (optional) Enables or disables usage of environment variables for configuration. * default_encoding - (optional) The default encoding to use for decoding response text, if no charset information is included in a response Content-Type header. Set to a callable for automatic character set detection. Default: “utf-8”.
- Parameters:
auth (httpx._types.AuthTypes | None)
params (httpx._types.QueryParamTypes | None)
headers (httpx._types.HeaderTypes | None)
cookies (httpx._types.CookieTypes | None)
verify (ssl.SSLContext | str | bool)
cert (httpx._types.CertTypes | None)
http1 (bool)
http2 (bool)
proxy (httpx._types.ProxyTypes | None)
mounts (None | Mapping[str, httpx._transports.base.AsyncBaseTransport | None])
timeout (httpx._types.TimeoutTypes)
follow_redirects (bool)
limits (httpx._config.Limits)
max_redirects (int)
base_url (httpx._urls.URL | str)
transport (httpx._transports.base.AsyncBaseTransport | None)
trust_env (bool)
- class AsyncAPIClient(base_url: str | httpx.URL, auth: httpx.Auth | pdstools.infinity.internal._auth.PegaOAuth, verify: bool = False, pega_version: str | None = None)¶
]Abstract base class for generic types.
A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:
class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc.
This class can then be used as follows:
def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default
- Parameters:
base_url (Union[str, httpx.URL])
auth (Union[httpx.Auth, pdstools.infinity.internal._auth.PegaOAuth])
verify (bool)
pega_version (Union[str, None])
- _client: httpx.AsyncClient¶
- _collect_awaitable_blocking(coros: List[Coroutine] | Coroutine) Any ¶
- Parameters:
coros (Union[List[Coroutine], Coroutine])
- Return type:
- _infer_version()¶
- async _request(*, method, endpoint, **params) httpx.Response ¶
- Return type:
- async request(method, endpoint, **params)¶
- abstract post()¶
- abstract patch()¶
- abstract put()¶
- abstract delete()¶
- abstract get_api_list()¶